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Notebook and Pen


Celebrating ourselves and our loved ones!

I have decided to open up my weekly blog to things that make life go round and not strictly to Real Estate. To be honest I'm not sure I can think of 52 things to talk about in real estate so I wait for a topic that hits me to the point I think "Hey I can stand behind this!"

PS: Please excuse the clickbait of my hot wife and once adorable children to get you here. 🤓

Over the last few months I have been talking with people about buying homes and as you can imagine if you are in the market to purchase a home, you can assume you are making some great strides in the right direction of your life. In other words you are SUCCEEDING!

The common theme I hear is that people love what is happening in their life but are so apprehensive about sharing it publicly for various reasons. Some have encountered or feel like they are being judged or cast as a showoff. Some have felt like they are pessimist that being excited or outward about their positive situation may "jinx" them (Sorry if I spelt that wrong my grammar police 🥴). A few people are just quiet and like to keep to themselves and that is totally killer and I think if you are one of these people then this does not really pertain to you. My point of this blog is to those people who wish they could be honest about their success, their children's success or even their family/ friends publicly. I fall into this group so from here I will speak about my own experience.


For the life of me I can not figure this one out. If you and I are friends I only want the best for your child. If I didn't then what kind of friend would I be? Do I sometimes get jealous or insecure about my kids? Absolutely. Do I sometimes wish the success of other kids was happening to my kids? Absolutely. Are my kids perfect? Hell NO! Are any of my friends kids? Not a chance.

Then why does it seem that if I post about my kids accomplishments, I can't help but feel like I have to tone it down so that I don't upset someone? Why do I feel like I can't show how truly excited about them I am? If I am a 10 then I show it like a 6. Well I think this is a trait I'd like to get rid of.

For the past 6 months one of my kids had to have a life changing surgery and luckily for our family we were able to take him to the best doctor available. (See right there was a slight brag) It's true though. We valued our child's journey to afford him the best we had available. This is not my point, my point is that for the last 7 months he has not competed in 1 event. His teams went on without him and won nearly every single competition they played in on the national stage! Were we upset he wasn't a part of it? ABSOLUTELY! However, I never wished for the failure of the team or any player on that team. For sure I had a little part of me that was sad for my child but that was short lived and the joy for the other players and their families was through the roof! I was so happy to see the smiles and faces in those pictures. Was it tough for my son? Yes! My point is that it is ok. He is doing great and on the road back to the field. He will miss the majority of his sophomore year of HS sports and that is ok. Life is a lesson and we have each other and we will make it the best life we can.

Bumps, bruises and surgeries included. You can believe that once he is back and doing things well, I am going to try my best to be humble and gracious of his victories and at the same publicly proud of him without hesitation. Life is short and I miss watching him compete. It has become a major part of our family that I will cherish all of his accomplishments moving forward!


I got a call from a friend who is looking to help his parents move closer to him. His parents like most of ours have done their best getting him to where they could and now he'd like to repay the favor and buy them a home closer to his family. How awesome right? ABSOLUTELY!

What was the problem? He is killing it and in the last 12 months has made life changing money because he has busted his ass. The problem is marketing and advertising. He has never been in this situation. The people who have, are telling him to be public about his success so that he can continue to be successful and help others. Sounds simple right? Why is he hesitating to shout it from the roof tops? Easy.....he doesn't want to sound like a conceited ass or to be called whatever you can think of.

Is the money in his bank account? Yup. Is he providing an awesome life for this family? Yup. When we talked about this, he apologized about 5 times as he was explaining his awesome journey and how he's able to provide and I finally told him to stop apologizing. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't pumped for him? Do I want him to buy the next round? Yup! All jokes aside I think we just need to be able to be the friend that is excited for our friends and support their success.


This one sounds simple but for the life me can't just be simple. I think most of us probably fall into the category of we don't want to cut our success short or say something and then fall off the edge of happiness only to think "Shoot why did I even say anything!" For me I will say that last year as I retired from law enforcement and went into real estate full time I was pretty scared and nervous about the future. I had 2 children entering the college recruitment era and driving vehicles. Costs that I was sure would have been heavily affected by our old financial abilities. I closed out the year making more money than I had ever made in my life. I entered the year with a new look on my goals and a great feeling of self worth as a provider for my family. I can do better and that is what I'm doing. Setting goals and trying to blow them out of the water.

To be more accountable I'll put some of them into print so that when you see me you can ask me about them. I told myself to try and close 12 deals in the year. I told myself to try and write a blog 52 times this year. I challenged myself to be sober for 30 days straight twice in the next 365 days. I told myself to read 5 books and to lose about 40 lbs. Once these are complete look for the blog where i'm shouting from the rooftops lol.

As for my success, do I still want my buddy above to buy the next round? ABSOLUTELY!

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