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Is there room for God in youth sports?

We were lucky enough to have this past Sunday off and we took the time as a family to catch Church Sunday. I know that in the world we live in religion and politics are kind of no no's but this is my blog so if I feel like if I want to write about God then I will. Spoiler alert, I won't be trying to convert you nor will I be asking for any tithing for this awesome once a week thriller I am writing.

During the service there was a great message that rang true to me. I will summarize it. The fruit on a fruit tree is not for the tree. It is for the people who eat it. The only way a piece of fruit goes bad is when you don't harvest it. Essentially saying that Church is not for the church, it is for the people outside. You are already here. You should be spreading the message or lessons you have learned outside. Just like the apple tree does not eat the apples it produces, if you never share what you learn or how church made you feel then you won't really be spreading or helping anyone outside.

This got me thinking about how much I have missed being in church. You see I wouldn't call myself a religious person in the sense of outwardly telling people anything about god or how I feel about god but I have enjoyed the messages and stories that the pastors share. Then I thought about a team from the south we played out in Colorado and how after the game the girls all got together and said a little prayer. It made me feel good about my decision to spend that time out there. You see there was a winner and a loser on the game bracket but all the girls played and made it out of the game with a new story and a new experience. They also made it out of the game healthy and ready to compete again.

I am not sure who led that prayer or even what was said. I do know though that for a few seconds after an intense game all the girls were in a circle and coming together to be thankful for their life in that moment. As a parent I am constantly asking myself if my kids truly appreciate what they have been given in life. If they understand what my wife and I have had to sacrifice for their benefit. As I type that I start to wonder if I am grateful for my life. What sacrifices my parents made for me. I usually try to help myself sleep by telling myself that in fact all of the success in life is my own doing but I am not that naive. I have a wonderful wife who has helped me since I was 15. An awesome sister who over the years has become my greatest ally. My mom has been there for me since day 1. She has literally seen almost every game or event I have ever played in. I too take these people for granted. God, who I sometimes doubt seems to always be there as well. In that moment in Colorado and in that service Sunday when I felt that warmth on my spirit and the flutter in my heart that says go make someone's life better today, he is there.

Yes we play on most Sundays and are not able to go to service but I don't think that means that god is not there with us. I think there is room for thankfulness and room to be a good person to your fellow neighbor. I think that we let the competition and sometimes heat get to us but in the end if we keep what's most important in the forefront we can enjoy our lives with our families and still believe in a higher purpose. It is easy to get caught up in the trophies, scholarships and batting averages but if we can all remember to slow down after the last out or last point is scored and be thankful for everything we have been given then I think it is all worth it.

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Veronica Feifer
Veronica Feifer
Jul 26, 2023

what a touching story this time best i have read and even brought loving tears to my eyes. You said it so very well .. Love you Joe.

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