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Kids Social Media and Recruiting

This was another request and it feels like a huge topic so many of us parents should know. If your kid has social media you should have access to it. Let me get that out of the way up front. If you are not monitoring your child's social media then I would say you are missing a key part of the parenting process.

I understand the theory or parent who says they want their children to have freedom and privacy but would you allow your child to walk around downtown New York unsupervised? Would you let them visit another country without you? If the answer is yes by all means please disregard the rest of this blog because you and I are different and that is ok. My answer to both of these is "No, not right now." As in, I would not let my daughter go to NYC by herself without anyone. I would not let my son travel to South America by himself. I know I am being dramatic but that is what the internet is full of. Unknowns.

Let's get the dangers out of the way as it's not really my point today. There are predators online. Doesn't matter if you are 5 or 90. There are people who spend all of their existence trying to collect data on you for various nefarious results. Some want to drain your bank account and some want to lure your child away from home. Simply put, arm yourself with knowledge to avoid all of the scams you can. Lord knows there are too many.

My point today is how to enhance your child's recruiting via social media. The truth is you have two choices. Let your kid run their own or you can "help". If you think your kid understands that every eye that they eventually want on them will go to their platform and they can shoulder that responsibility then awesome you have done a terrific job. For the rest of us this goes out to you.

Twitter is a huge resource for college coaches and every other person looking to gain your eye. Travel ball coaches, training facilities and politicians lol. Understand it. Look at the post and what resonates with your desired location. I have had a few conversations and I am not the popular opinion but I'll give mine anyhow. Do not tag 17 coaches in your video. Think of it as if you were dating someone. When they sent out a good morning text it wasn't to you but instead to a group chat with you and 7 other suitors. I mean it sounds funny but what does the coach of LSU think when you tag her and Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas. Same thing. Are you talking to me or them? Do not follow 18000 people to gain 80. Follow people who mean something to you. Leave off the ones who don't.

Instagram is also another place kids love to post. I am unsure on this one. Seems less professional but I get that it is a zone to post stuff so go for it. Do I need to see your daughter stretching, lifting or doing box jumps 3 times a week with some silly slogan like 1% better every day? No I don't because I see you have posted 17 times this week for every rep. Make your post meaningful. Got a game winner? Got a game saver? Shoot, are you cheering on your teammate and just showing that you care about the team. Post that.

Here's another one I don't see very often. Congratulating your teammate or opponent. You do not hit a homer every at bat. Sometimes you lose and don't perform. That is ok. It's called life and sometimes you can post the failures and what you have learned.

Facebook is my favorite as it's only for parents to gloat. Gloat away folks. You know my stance on this. If you don't want to see pics of my kids killing it then you really aren't on my side or theirs. No hard feelings however you probably only have an account so you can nitpick or complain. Have at it. For me though I'm gonna cherish all the movement in my life and those around me and mine. I often tell our friends before a game. "I hope your daughter (opponent) goes 4-4 but loses by 1 run" lol. It's the truth. I want my children to be victorious but not at the expense of someone's downfall. I like good softball and good baseball. Give me a 2-1 defensive gem or a 14-16 slug out.

Make sure you check what your child is putting on the internet and who they are communicating with. It's simple. Have a great weekend.

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