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Notebook and Pen


.......LIFE IS NOT FAIR......

Ok let's be honest this chihuahua is the most badass dog I think I have ever seen. What does he or she have to do with my post? Nothing really, just a cool pic to grab your attention!HAHA Anyhow, after last week's blog I received so many cool responses from similar minded parents and people who could relate. 1 common response from a few close family members who all have the word mother attached to their titles came at me with the "What about Savannah?" comments.

No, I did not forget about my daughter in the last blog. No, I did not have anything bad to say about my daughter. No, I am not keeping her hidden in the basement. It was a short and simple post about my son and some of the accomplishments he has made over the last few months. As for my daughter, it got me thinking however about what it is like raising two highly competitive kids in the same household going through two different paths all at the same time. How do I show equal love? How do I show equal and fair punishment? See there I used that word fair. Well I don't think you can.

Savannah is killing it. She has been fortunate enough to be given an opportunity on the varsity basketball team as a freshman and is absolutely getting her butt kicked! I love it. Is she killing it? No way, as a matter of fact she is barely hanging on by a thread but I am over the moon proud of her for not quitting. This has been her hardest athletic season thus far and she is doing her best. That is what I am proud of. No she is not starting and no she is not learning every play in and out but what she is doing is showing up everyday and maintaining a 4.0. I know this is gonna make some of you mad but she is a girl and therefore I have different expectations of her as a dad. I want her to make friends, deal with adversity, handle the older girls who don't like her because of her age and not because of her talent. Why? Because life is not fair now nor will it be when she gets out into the real world. She will eventually have to work next to people who don't like her for one reason or another but guess what, she will have to show up and get the job done.

You know what else is not fair? College recruiting. She gets to see boys who she is equally as talented in her sport as, get to talk and visit with various colleges while she can not because at some point, they decided girls can not handle the same recruiting criteria. How can this be? I don't believe you? Well believe me. I am sure there are a few handful of girls who have somehow been able to talk with coaches outside of a "camp" or allowable visit prior to their Junior year but for the vast majority it is different. Is my daughter the best softball player on the planet? No. Is she the best softball player at her school? No. She isn't even the best softball player on her team, my point is I know she is capable of playing at the next level and the rules are different. Don't shoot the messenger.

So back to my original point......How do we show our kids that we love them the same or treat them the same? We don't, because the world won't and they are not the same. Let me repeat that.... They are not the same. Even twins are typically noticed apart by their behaviors and moods and other awesome features other than their similar looks. So why do I always feel this anchor about showing my kids the same amount of love?

I love my daughter as much as humanly possible and I am so proud of the woman she is becoming. Yes she is an all star and great student but more importantly she is a great human being I hope to one day send out to this wonderful world to help. Until then I will deal with this hormonal creature who is more like a cat and less like the golden retriever of a son I have. 😍

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