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Pet Peeves #3 Costco edition

This is always an easy one for me.... Hate to be negative but these are my pet peeves...

The sample people at Costco. Not the employee. The consumer. You know who you are. You aren't really going to buy that stuff, you are just eating it because it's free. Secondly, bring your trash with you or throw it out. Stop leaving those sample cups in the aisles lol.

People who walk around with their phone on Speaker! WTF Get a headset or at least put the phone to your ear!

People who go the wrong way in the aisles. STAY TO THE RIGHT.

Parking lot racers! Slow down bro I get that it is a circus but slow down you have already shopped and if you are pulling in then be prepared for your 1.5 hours of shopping.

Not really a Costco thing but people who drive Teslas and are on speaker phones. What the hell. Your phone has to be linked to even get in the car. How is your cell not on bluetooth!

Shopping cart racer to the exit door. If you hit me in the heel with your 400 lbs cart we are gonna have a problem.

The fridge with the milk and eggs is tight, know what you want and where its at. Get in and get out, stop clogging up the aisle.

Last but not least the food counter. There are literally only like 5 things you can order. It has not changed. Hot dog or a pizza. Let's go!

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