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Pet Peeves in youth sports and a few extras LOL!

Ok the above pic is pretty much click bait. We can all agree that getting into a brawl at your child's game is not really a pet peeve its just not acceptable, but I can almost assure you that prior to this fight a few of these pet peeves were committed.

In no particular order, here are my top 10.

1) Cheering for an error.

Stay positive but let's not be screaming and cheering after an obvious error. The truth is that your child should be out so why are you cheering?

2) Chalk talk with your child during the game.

Batting instructions and trying to shift your child out in the field for defense during the game from the stands, Big no-no.

3) Negative comments about the opposing players.

Saying things like this kid can't throw strikes or can't hit. Lame, be an adult. These are not the giants and dodgers. Relax.

4) Sitting and standing directly behind home plate.

This is kind of a tough one. If you are there and quiet that is cool but to be honest if your child wants to play at the next level this is where professional scouts and college coaches like to be for a feel of your player and the game. Leave it empty.

5) Yelling at the umpires or refs.

This is my pet peeve and also my achilles heel. I have been known to keep my cool but when I don't ugh.... I don't and I become what I loath. Don't do it, you are not helping your child and worst you are not helping your child's team.

6) Talking bout the coach of your own team.

This should be simple but it needs to be said. Support and help your child advocate for themselves if you think they deserve something more than they are given.

7) Talking to the parent of a child at bat or pitching.

This is not the time. Be aware of the game and who is involved with what.

8) Stalking the seating area prior to finishing of a game.

I get it that your team will not be filed next but give the parents who are seated and chilling time and space to get out of the stands and pack their stuff. This is not the days of TGIF where you hawkeye the poor people at the bar tops waiting for a seat. On the same token if your child has finished, make it quick. We also want to get set up for the next game.

9) Shade or umbrellas up front.

One of my all time favorites. Don't get me wrong. If you are at the field at 6 am and you set up first then I can see where you may feel justified but come on. Just because the Costco canopies are on sale I don't want to look around your commercial grade 14 foot canopy to see home plate. If shade is what you desire then sit further back or head down the line.

10) Rankings and Game Changer Stats

I went to this one last as in previous blogs I have told us to celebrate our children and their accomplishments. This one though is pretty funny. I recently saw a ranking for T-ball age kids. I was blown away. It made me think how in the world can we know who the best T-ballers are? The truth about rankings is this. You are only ranking what is available. I guess it's cool that you have the 5th best team in the country at 8u but what in the world makes you think it valid? Don't underestimate the team you are there to play because they are not ranked, teams change players like we change our clothes. The team from last week is not the team from this week. I'd say once the kids start to get into high school the rankings can kind of be a good measuring stick but before that don't get too worked up about them.

The stats on GameChanger are absolutely worthless to anyone but you. As a GameChanger expert I can tell you that I am not correct all the time nor do I care to be. Sometimes I get caught up in a conversation. Sometimes the game is boring and I don't care. There are a couple things you can bet on from the stats. The score, the inning and the start of the game. Outside of these three metrics the rest is suspect as all get up. Do not get offended that your child was attributed an error or a hit. Do not go up and ask the scorekeeper to change the passed ball to a wild pitch. True story: One time I had a parent from the opposite team come up and ask me to change an error to a hit as he felt his daughter was fast enough to run it out. This was a 10 u softball game. If you are new here and haven't heard about softball dads go a few weeks back for a laugh.

Do your best to enjoy the journey as it feels like it has gone by so fast. Take the time to embrace the highs and the lows. Pretty soon we will be wondering what to do with all of our free time. Before any hate mail comes my way I'd like to confess that I have done all the above pet peeves and I am guilty. I'll try to be a better person and hope you learn from my mistakes. lol

A few extra non sport related PET PEEVES….Thanks Costco….

Put your cart away! Pre-plan where you park so that you are in close proximity to the cart pen for a safe return. I will give an exemption to disabled, elderly and new parents with infants. No other exclusion allowed.

If you drop something in the store like grapes.. PICK IT UP…. let someone know but don't freaking leave it there.

To the lady who ate a sample only to leave the trash on top of some other products…..F-U. How disgusting. So now the next person who needs that box of whatever is gonna have your wrapper fall on them. Ok I have vilified enough of my friends and family im sure. Until next week.. GOSEEJLO

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