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Notebook and Pen


Pet Peeves Part infinity

Excuse the pic but you already know how I feel about the left handed catcher! LOL

On our way down to LA this morning I was reminded of all the I-5 drivers I love to hate and thus here is my blog on it.

If you drive a car that was made after 2010 and you have a cell phone to your ear. I automatically Dont like you. Better yet if you are driving 80-100 mph and constantaly going into the right lane to pass people and then slowing down. All of these deserve the finger.

Who you vote for or who you voted or didn’t vote for. I Dont care. Move on.

If you happen to pull off at a gas station or better yet a rest stop. While exiting the freeway do so at a safe speed but more importantly when leaving the parking lot to go back to freeway save the 50 + mph for the on ramp and not exiting the parking lot.

Similar to the parking lot at Costco on the above topic while we are on it. Everyone is dreading the line and wants to get in and out. Do so with some sanity lol.

Last one…. If there is more then a big rig in front of you and you are in the fast lane move to the right. Similarly if there is not and there are only cars in front of you do not pass on the right just o gain 3 car lengths and create more congestion.

That’s all folks have a great weekend!

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