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Notebook and Pen


Sorry I can't make your wedding, Timmy is playing in the Memorial Day Mashup 7u for rankings!!

So this was a great request and even better on the weekend of my beautiful mother’s 65th birthday. Which I am missing for Savannah’s zoom into June tournament. As I sit poolside at the Disneyland hotel I couldn't help but laugh at the fact I am doing what this blog will be about currently. I love my mother and I am her favorite child. However my sister has decided to try and buy favor this year and is taking our wonderful mother to Napa for her birthday. Mom I love you and this blog is dedicated to you and I hope you enjoy the day with your second favorite child.

Oh the things we will miss for our kids tournaments, games, practices and try outs. It's true. Every year you will indefinitely be presented with a wedding, a birthday, a graduation and or anniversary that you will have to choose between going to or missing for one of the events mentioned before. The correct answer is simple… There is no correct answer. Do what you want and understand there will be consequences.

I have missed more than my fair share of stuff and a few I truly regret. First was my good buddy Big Joe's wedding. Joey was slated to play in a huge tournament in Las Vegas and was already paid for when I got Joe's invitation. In hindsight I wish I could have afforded to make both. Still love my buddy and he was great about it. He also was on the receiving end of a great steak dinner that I think I am still paying off attached to my mortgage but either way I wish I had been there on his special day. My cousin Gino's wedding. Lord knows he will never let me live that down as every time I show up to a family event he reminds me lol. Love you Gino and you are right to grill me.

If you miss that game or that practice then understand that you will also have consequences. You may be forfeiting your start or an entire game. The team is dedicated to the team and this is what happens. I spoke with a friend whose kid shall remain nameless but missed a practice leading up to this week so she could go hang with friends and I thought “good for her” she will be playing for a long time and I am glad she chose to hang out instead of being a softball die hard. I am sure she has missed timeless events with friends that she can not get back. That will be rewarded in due time when she goes to play for 1 of the best college programs on the planet. I am sure she won't get the start as she usually does this weekend and that is ok. After all, that is why we are doing this right? Sports are about life lessons. You can't love all your co-workers or bosses but you show up to work and get the job done. Same goes for you can't please everyone and sometimes have to make hard decisions.

I always tried my best to remember how I felt as the 8u coach when I was the 10u,12u and so on. I always hated when the older parents and coaches told me my team isn't as serious as the older team or “didn't matter”. This was my mission. This was the time I was dedicating. It does matter and so does yours. Growing up in our house sports was not a tenth of what it is in my current household. To be fair I was not nearly as good as either of my kids. Angel didn't play sports so obviously she also did not have a “normal” when it came to sports and what to go to and what to miss. So the learning curve with me and my family was kind of a first. My nephew was an all star and so he kind of set the bar with my sister who I have already referred to earlier. (2nd best) She did a great job with my nephew who seemed to make every team and event. Still not sure how she did it but I am sure I was probably not paying attention like usual lol.

My mom has been great and understanding most of the time but not always. Rightfully so in hindsight. This year my grandpa will be 87 and this party will be on the eve of another large tournament. I will not be missing this party. My grandpa has been a staple in my life as well as all of my cousins and family. I owe it to him to be there and to be frank I am not sure how many more he has to go. If Savannah doesnt start or play in a game or the entire tournament I don't care. Consequences right? I need to show her that family does come first over all things. I am sure she won't understand this at 15 years old but it's my job to teach her so when she's my age she appreciates the choices I have made for her.

I still remember missing 1 baseball game when Joey was 10u. It was for my cousin Patricks wedding. We were watching the game changer in the pues as they said their vows. Absolutely hilarious in hindsight that we almost cheered out loud on a 2 out base hit to tie the game as they said I do. Glad I have those pictures of the 4 of us at my cousin's wedding and wish I would have a few more but I also enjoyed those moments at the park and on the field equally.

I hope when and if I am a grandpa I will remember these tough decisions and help my kids pick whatever they choose based on their heart and intuition. In the end you have to face the guy in the mirror when you brush your teeth at night and feel like you are doing what's best for you and your family. Sometimes you will make the team happy and sometimes you will make your mom happy. Very rarely will it be both but keep plugging along. Life is hard and doesn't come with directions.

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