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Videotaping our kids while they play, Do's and Dont's

As our kids have begun to travel to various locations on this wonderful planet at the same time the old saying "you can't be in two places at once" comes to fruition... Since I have been taking videos on my cell phone as long as the kids have been playing I figured I would do a little tutorial for anyone interested...

My poor wife is usually asked by me to videotape the kids in my absence but that's really not my wife's strong suit. When she is at the game she likes to do this weird thing called watch the game and communicate with other parents. I am not really sure where she learned this but either way I am usually sent some random video from 20 ft away with a fence in the way of 1 or maybe 2 of the at bats that day. Then comes the argument between us that always ends in me running back to my corner with my tail tucked between my legs.

My answer was brought to light last year when game changer introduced video integration with their service. I always enjoyed following various teams of kids I knew and now with the video clips it was an awesome experience. Imagine your kids are playing on the east coast all summer and now you have to take the entire week or summer off to catch a few at bats. Now you can simply watch a rerun or full video. Pretty awesome.

Here are things required. A video camera, either a mevo or go pro will do. Then you can control it via a cell phone or iPad or tablet. You will also need wifi of some sort. You can also use a Childs cell phone and since they are supposed to be in the dugout this can work but requires some communication and battery back up as the phone dies a lot quicker but to each their own.

I personally use a mevo and have had a ton of success. I recently went to a magnet mount that I absolutely love. I can mount the camera to a pole on the backstop and I don't have to worry about the foul ball shutter that comes when mounted to the fence itself. It's also very quick which I like. The angle from behind home plate is a great overall viewing pleasure. It can be sort of a fishbowl or distant view but you can see the entire field.

If you only want to video your kid then you don't really need wifi. You can manually turn the camera off and on from your cell phone via bluetooth and record the video to a sd card in the camera. This is great if you don't love running up to the backstop every time your child comes up or is on the mound.

Angles....This one I am learning. Typically if you're trying to capture video that a higher level coach may want to see for evaluation purposes then you want to be on the side facing the front of your child. IE: Right handed hitter-parent recording from near the 1st base side on deck circle. This will not capture the outcome of where your child hits the ball but will capture their swing, body and process during the at bat. Things a coach may want to see much greater than where the ball lands. Similar to a pitcher. For my left hander I have been asked to actually video tape him from the rear corner of the 1st base dugout similar to where the first base coach stands. This does not capture the pitch or movement. Merely his mechanics and body position. These videos are not really social media worthy as the result is not captured. They are there for evaluation purposes.

For the love of god. If you are going to make the effort please focus through the fence. Do not stand 5 feet away from the fence and record. You are not fooling anyone. We know your videotaping and if we are judging you so what. Take your lump but get a good video..Please.

Do not scream after your child hits the ball. Do not scream if it's a strike out for your pitcher. Nothing ruins a great video like the ancillary audible of an over excited parent. Take the phrase act like you have been there before to heart.

If you are interested in learning a little more feel free to shoot me a text and I can reference any of the equipment or help you get ready for the summer if you'd like to grab some video of your favorite player so all family members and coaches can enjoy. Have a great weekend.

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